The yummy cake! How cute! :)

Food shot!


My cousin Jama, Aunt Loraine, mom, me! ~ Thank-you for the fun shower! :)

Here is a picture of Chad and I at 29 wks! I'm getting bigger and bigger by the day. Little Landen weighs about 3 pounds as of the 28 wk check up. And he continues to grow. His little movements are becoming very strong. He has begun to kick/hit me really hard in one spot that really hurts, but I still love the feeling. As I have learned he is able to hear sounds outside of the body a lot easier Chad and I have tried to include him into all the conversations. And I'm sure by now he has his song memorized.
"This little light of Landen, He's gonna let it shine. This little light of Landen, He's gonna let it shine. This little light of Landen, He's gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."
I know God is going to use Landen as a light in this world. We pray daily for his safe arrival and the good works God is going to do with and for him.

We are now 30 Wks today! Since Chad was a good 3 weeks early and I was a week early, we expect to see him soon! Love~ The Taflingers :)