Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Holidays

I just realized I haven't updated the blog in a month. Things have been so crazy with my semester at school coming to an end. Now that my classes are over until another four weeks I have some more time to relax and get things done. :) However, Landen will be waking up from his nap any minute. :) Things are great. Landen started to crawl at 5 1/2 months at less than 14 pounds. He amazes me. So he is already on the move. Crazy little guy! I have santa fever bad with Landen. I have went a little crazy I think. I mean really, baby toys aren't that expensive, so I haven't spent tons, just bought a little too many. :) It is so much fun having Landen here for the holidays. It brings back my child like adventurous side. Here are some pictures.
Taflinger Thanksgiving! :)
(the kids)
Look at those blues!
My mom, me, and Landen over Thanksgiving!
First visit with Santa. Landen was very curious and loved to pull his hair! :)
My friend's little boy that I watch on Mondays with Landen playing. We are starting to work on sharing.
So Landen thinks its time to figure out how to stand already. He does that all the time. It wouldn't surprise me if he walks by 9 months!
So here is a video of Landen on the move. He got shy as soon as the camra came out. Oh well. : )

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday season. Let us not forget the reason why we celebrate! :) Until Later ~ The taflingers

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

fall fun

I can't believe it's been almost a month since the last post. Busy, busy. Well anyways, Landen is great! He continues to surprise me daily. After we started cereal at 4 months he loved it. So a few days ago we tried green beans. I am truly blessed. We have a GREAT eatter (takes after daddy). Three days on green beans and he loves them. I just hope his eatting habits continue. As it has gotten colder out, we have taken fewer walks. :( So we are getting a littel stir crazy already! :) But Landen continues to amaze me. He is almost crawling. Just today he was up on all 4's moving his legs and trying to move his arms. He made it one step. So proud, but yet isn't he just little to young to be crawling? Haha, growing up too fast!!! I only have 3 more classes for this semester, which means I am bout half way done with my Masters program! Still seems soooo far away! BLAH! Chad is doing good. Hunting season has started so thats all i hear. It's one of those topics you just nod your head and continue to say yes, when he talks. :) We are super excited because Chad's sister, Brooke, has moved back to Indiana. So lots of Aunt B time. :) Maybe we can get my brother back this way after he graduates in May. :) Anyways, here are the pictures. Hold on, becuase there are lots!

Little pumpkin on Halloween!

Playing with the pumpking guts!

Ymmmm, green beans.

Ready to hunt!

Fall picture time. Checking out the leaves.

Picture of his up on all 4's. So cute!

I tried to post a video but for some reason wouldn't let me. So maybe later. Hope everyone is doing good. Until later ~ hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Praise the Lord

This is a song we have been singing lately because Landen's test results came back in. Quoting the doctor, "your son is normal." haha :) So, Chad and I have been feeling much better because we know that out little guy is just a little guy with strange poop! :) Things have been good. Chad is done with golf which is really nice because my classwork has increased. Landen has been eatting eatting. He just loves his cereal now. We haven't started in on other foods yet. I want to wait another week or so. I have continued to be on the dairy free diet. Landen has been doing better since this diet so i think his tummy just has had a hard time with dairy. The doctor said by around 6 months they are better able to digest food. Thats why we are holding off a little starting more food. But anyways, Landen continues to surprise me. He is rolling all over the place and is trying to crawl already. His little butt gets so high up in the air. Its so cute. Finally here are some pictures.
So happy and ready for Church!

Landen just loves his ducky.

"Watch me mom, i'm trying to figure it out."

Trying so hard! Look at that butt! haha

Nothing else to report! Hope all is well your way. Until later~ hugs and kisses! :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

our little eater

So much has been going on. Quick run down. Landen has started his rice cereal. So cute. First two times he wasn't so sure, but now he loves it. He had a clean plate this morning. He is such a good eater like his daddy! (Sure will help me in the long run). We sure do have a happy baby. He is full of energry and spirit. I have simply enjoyed my time at home with him. I wouldn't want to trade it for anything. Another update: this past week i took landen for his 4 month check up. The doctor is concerned about a few things. Landen is such a good eater but he isn't gaining much weight. He has also been having a few other things going on. The doctor wanted to run some tests. We should be getting the results back by next week. As his mother it is my job to worry but please pray for strength as it would be awful if the test results come back postive. And please pray for our little boy. He is just such a joy! Two weeks ago they doctors started me on a no dairy diet. It's been really hard considering I LOVE ICECREAM! But the doctors are just trying to figure out what is going on with little landen. Once they get the results back we will hopfully have a better idea. Chad's golf season has went longer than expected because one of the girls made it to State. So he has continued to have practice and keep busy. Another update: Aunt B got the job here in Indianapolis!! Yeah! We can't wait till she moves here later this month! It sure feels like fall. The changes of seasons are often so much fun. Landen also has quickly learned what time of year it is . . . hunting season. He can't wait to go out with daddy and uncle erik! :) Finally, here are some pictures!

Mommy and Landen before bedtime! :)

After his bath. "What are you doing mom?"

flying in the sky

Here is a video of our laughing boy!

Here is Landen trying out cereal! So much fun!

Until later ~ Hugs, Kisses

Thursday, September 18, 2008

rollie pollie

So busy busy busy! I feel like I never stop! A few weeks ago Landen had his first cold so he has been a little fussy lately. He has continued to sleep through the night! Thank-goodness. :) A few weeks ago he discovered how to roll from his back to his tummy. So he hasn't stopped. He is sooo funny. I can't change his diaper, put his clothes on or anything. He is already on the move. I'm afraid he is going to start crawling soon and be out of sight!!!! We sure do have a busy little man. However, he is so fun. I've had my moments of exhaustion, and frustration being at home for 10 hours with him alone. I am very ready for Chad to be done with golf to spend more time at home with us! Here are TONS of pictures!

Look at this big boy holding his bottle!

Much needed daddy time!

Look at those blues and happy smile!

This is what Landen looked like the other morning. Sorry it is sideways. I think the sleep positioner is useless now! :)

Going on a walk!

On Mondays I have been watching my friend, Tia's, kids. Here is Hunter (left) with Landen watching a movie! Soo Cute!

Checking out his new high chair. I think its a winner!

Ok, so here is a video. Not the one I meant to download but it works. I was trying to get him dressed and he was just all over the place. Sorry for my annoying voice!

Until later ~ Hugs and kisses!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to a routine

Things are started to get back into a routine now that Chad is back at work and I have started my classes again! Chad is enjoying his students so far this year as well as the girls golf team. Of course I have loved staying with Landen all day as well. My days are often really long but worth every minute. A couple of wks ago my brother was able to make the trip up to meet Landen. As it is always nice to see my brother it was more special this time because he got to meet Landen. Here is a picture of my brother, his girlfriend Leah, my mom, and Landen. We decided to go to the Cincinnati Zoo for the afternoon.

Landen has continued to grow. Although, he is still very small for his age, he is a growing little guy. He has been doing a great job at sleeping through the night for awhile now and the past two nights has actually slept 9 hours! WOW! Since sleeping so good at night he has started to struggle during the day. He gets tired, but doesn't want to sleep. So we are working on this! haha. He is such a little stinker. Things are great. This past week, Chad surprised me with a new computer! Our computer is so bad and has been acting up which makes it really hard to get my school work done. So, that was a nice surprise! Here are few more pictures!

Look at that big grin! Such a happy little boy!

"Thanks Aunt B for my gift! I love it!"

Until later ~ Hugs and kisses! :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

So much has happened since my last update. Landen is growing and forming such a fun personality. He is just too fun. On August 3rd Landen was dedicated at church. I am so thankful that some of my family from Michigan was able to come down and meet him. And thank-you Uncle Erik for letting me borrow your outfit. Landen was so cute that day. I will have to post pictures as soon as I get some (in all the excitement I didn't take any pictures!) It sure was a nice weekend with family. This past week we also took an adventure to the zoo. Although Landen had no idea what was going on it was a lot of fun. We got to see the Koala bears (sooo cute). We had fun! At Landen's 2 month check up he got a good report. He is growing strong and is over 10 pounds. Can't believe it. He also had to get his shots. IT WAS AWFUL! Chad holding him down and I was in the hallway crying right with Landen. He was such a little trooper! He has gotten such a personality. He has been laughing, talking, and smiling so much and has been so much fun. It's amazing how he has changed from week to week. He still LOVES to be held. Such a little snuggle bug. AND. . . big news. . . . for three nights now he has slept all night! So lets just hope that continues. Here are some more recent pictures. I will try to keep this updated more often, sorry for the delay. But I just can't keep my hands off of Landen, he is just so cute.

Daddy and Landen with the Koala bear. Landen was so confused! haha

mommy and landen with the giraffe

Just taking it all in!

What a stud! Thank-you cousin Zachary for the shades!

Although its hard to see, Landen's eyes have gotten really light blue and his hair has lightened up.

Love it!

As chad is back at school I am officially a stay at home mom! I love it! I think Landen does too! I start back with my classes for my masters program next Saturday. Other than that I am able to spend and focus as much time on Landen. Until Later~ hugs and kisses

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our little man!

So much to update! Sorry for the delay. Why would I want to spend silly time on this computer when I have such a cute little guy to hold and play with. It has continued to be so much fun. Chad and I both love being parents and are enjoying every second of it. Today Landen is 6 wks and 2 days. We can't believe it. He is still such a cute little man even though he is growing so much. We went to the doctor last week and he is already over 9 pounds. The doctor was pretty impressed. Landen has been doing really good, other than a few bad nights here and there. He eats pretty much every 4 hours, plays, has lots of tummy time, and sleeps. Landen is such a little snuggle bug. He LOVES to be held and snuggled (which makes it hard sometimes). We have discovered that he also loves taking walks so we have decided to make it a family nightly routine! Just this past week he has been smiling alot and "talking" too us. It is just too fun! Here are some pictures.

Landen with his Great Peepaw. I think this picture is so sweet! Peepaw is a natural! :)

Mommy and Landen!

Landen in his first camo outfit. He can't wait to go out with his uncle Erik someday!

Look at that smile! Sorry about the spit up though! :)

Landen has been rolling over since week 3. We couldn't believe it. Here we go.

Yeah, for Landen!
Bad News: We have discovered that our camera is broke. We bought it brand new, however for some reason he is not working now. As of what we have been told we have lost everything (his birth, smiles, laughs, rolling over, fun here and theres). I've been pretty upset. So if anyone knows of anyone that could maybe take a look please let us know.
Good News: Chad and I have officially decided for me to stay home and not work. We will be going down to one car and making cuts in other areas as well. However, i will continue to go to school on Saturdays while chad watches Landen. I hope that we have made the right choice. Please pray that we will be financially ok.
If you are going to be in town on August 3rd, Landen is going to be dedicated that Sunday at church. Thanks for all your love and support! We love you all!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

More Pictures!

We have been so busy here at the Taflinger house! Sorry for taking so long to get an update! Landen is such a growing baby. Since we left the hospital he has already gained a pound and grown almost 2 inches! He is going to be a tall little guy! As of this past Wednesday he was 7 pounds 6 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. Although Chad and I are super tired, we have loved every minute of Landen. I have included some pictures. The first one is of him wrapped up in Nana's blanket.

He looks so sad in this picture.

First trip to Church! Look how big he looks already. He is pondering what church will be like! :)

First real bath! He wasn't too happy! But look how cute he looks! :)

We love you Landen!

He makes the funniest faces sometimes and puts himeself in the weirdest positions.

Happy Fathers Day!

As you can see things are great! For those of you who have not yet met Landen, we can't wait. He has brought so much joy already. Until later ~ Hugs and Kisses! :)