Monday, October 3, 2011

Please visit my new blog

I have started to make tutu's and bows! So much fun!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a 3 year old and my babies 1

So I realize I hardly ever post anymore. However, we do not have internet at home and with both kids I dont get very much time to simply go to the library to blog. Life is great. I continue to love my job working at Selah House (Eating Disorder Treatment Facility), I finally passed my boards, and so now I am able to feel much more relaxed.

I have enjoyed the past few weeks with Landen's birthday, Addalee's birthday planning, and the sunshine. Landen is 3! I can not believe it. He is so stinkin smart and getting so big. We had a GREAT party and made a lot of memories. Addalee is a little go getter. She cracks me up all the time. She is walking pretty well and almost tries to run, however, not on purpose. She gets to walking so fast that it turns into a little jog and she can't keep up with her feet. It's cute. She is going to be one in just less than a month!!!

Here are some recent pics!!!! Aren't they big!!!

This picture makes me smile. haha. Landen looks really excited tobe holding his sister. haha.

Talk about getting big. Landen rode his first rollar coaster at Kings Island a few weeks ago. He is in the second row with Chad. He was soooo scared, but ended up loving it!

Landen's big birthday from mommy and daddy. He loves taking his buddy Coby for rides.

These are just some pictures I captured at the park for landen's 3 years!

Family shot in the bounch house at landens party!

It has been a very busy last couple of months. So will the summer. We look forward to visiting family all over and getting away for a few weeks!

Love to all!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A bunch of pictures

Momma loves her little girl in a bow! :)

I totally just want to eat her up!!!

Addalee's new pose. Just checking things out.

Landen and mommy both got new camera's for Christmas. Landen thinks it payback time for mommy making him always say cheese! haha

Landen has LOVED the snow this year. Seriuosly is we let him he would be outside all day no matter how cold it is.
Another photo shoot . . .

I just love when I am able to capture her sweet face on camera!

Landen of course loving on his sister!

Not much to say. Life is busy as always. These two little kids sure make life so much more fun! I started a journal a few months ago to write down all of the funny things that happen day to day. Its already filling up!:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 months

YES! It has amost been like 5 months since I last posted! Unreal. And our little baby girl is going to be 6 months next week. Seriously how fast has things gone. Alot has happened. I was spending alot of the past few months studing for my licence exam for Social Work. I took it right before Christmas and missed it by 3 questions. I was and still am prety disapointed as so much of mytime was focused on studing. So I am yet again studying and studying. I know God wants this for me so I will continue to work towards it until I pass.
On another note, I also started working part time at an eating disorder treatment facility. It has been WONDERFUL. I love almost everything about it and I truly feel I am using the gifts God has given me to work with this women. Plus, working part time I am able to stay at home with my babies, then Chad and I do a quick switch.

Kids are great. Landen continues to amaze me. He is learning SOO much which is making playtime so much fun. He trulyloves Addalee and loves to interact and play with her all the time.
Addalee is my sweet little girl, a true mommies girl. I see lots of fun times ahead.
Here are some pics. I hope to update more often. Hope everyone near and far had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
Addalee's face looks really funny.