Thursday, September 18, 2008

rollie pollie

So busy busy busy! I feel like I never stop! A few weeks ago Landen had his first cold so he has been a little fussy lately. He has continued to sleep through the night! Thank-goodness. :) A few weeks ago he discovered how to roll from his back to his tummy. So he hasn't stopped. He is sooo funny. I can't change his diaper, put his clothes on or anything. He is already on the move. I'm afraid he is going to start crawling soon and be out of sight!!!! We sure do have a busy little man. However, he is so fun. I've had my moments of exhaustion, and frustration being at home for 10 hours with him alone. I am very ready for Chad to be done with golf to spend more time at home with us! Here are TONS of pictures!

Look at this big boy holding his bottle!

Much needed daddy time!

Look at those blues and happy smile!

This is what Landen looked like the other morning. Sorry it is sideways. I think the sleep positioner is useless now! :)

Going on a walk!

On Mondays I have been watching my friend, Tia's, kids. Here is Hunter (left) with Landen watching a movie! Soo Cute!

Checking out his new high chair. I think its a winner!

Ok, so here is a video. Not the one I meant to download but it works. I was trying to get him dressed and he was just all over the place. Sorry for my annoying voice!

Until later ~ Hugs and kisses!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to a routine

Things are started to get back into a routine now that Chad is back at work and I have started my classes again! Chad is enjoying his students so far this year as well as the girls golf team. Of course I have loved staying with Landen all day as well. My days are often really long but worth every minute. A couple of wks ago my brother was able to make the trip up to meet Landen. As it is always nice to see my brother it was more special this time because he got to meet Landen. Here is a picture of my brother, his girlfriend Leah, my mom, and Landen. We decided to go to the Cincinnati Zoo for the afternoon.

Landen has continued to grow. Although, he is still very small for his age, he is a growing little guy. He has been doing a great job at sleeping through the night for awhile now and the past two nights has actually slept 9 hours! WOW! Since sleeping so good at night he has started to struggle during the day. He gets tired, but doesn't want to sleep. So we are working on this! haha. He is such a little stinker. Things are great. This past week, Chad surprised me with a new computer! Our computer is so bad and has been acting up which makes it really hard to get my school work done. So, that was a nice surprise! Here are few more pictures!

Look at that big grin! Such a happy little boy!

"Thanks Aunt B for my gift! I love it!"

Until later ~ Hugs and kisses! :)