Thursday, May 14, 2009

Such a stinker

So much has happened over the last few weeks and i haven't had the opportunity to post. Here it goes, most importantly, test results are in. FINALLY. Well, there are some things that they want to continue to observe, but overall the doc was extremly pleased. There was nothing she felt needed to be addressed right now. However, we are still going to Riley at the end of july. Next, Landen's top two teeth finally came through. Yeah! And last, he is a walking machine. He took he first step at 9 months 3 weeks, but it was a slow process. He has offically been walking for about 3 weeks now. He is so funny, he doesn't want to walk, he wants to run. I guess he is going to run like his momma!!! Wouldn't that be fun! Every stage is just so much fun, but we are having such a blast with him right now. Landen's little, demanding personality is so sweet. He is a stinker, but so loving, and such a good little guy.

Here are some pictures, the first is of mothers day. My mom was in the picture but had to crop her out, her eyes were closed.

Look how big he looks!

Landen loves to climb. He is always trying to get in something, or behind something, or under something. Such an adventurer like his daddy!

So silly! Well here he is walking, its not the best video but it works. He loves the camera, so everytime i get it out, he smiles, and wants to be around it. As you can see at the end he is really starting to communicate with us. He knows hi, bye, eat, drink, and lots more.

This will be my last post for awhile. I have started back with summer classes and my first praticum for my MSW program. It will be a crazy summer but well worth it in the end. My brother gets married in less than two weeks so we will be heading to florida. We can't wait and i will post pics asap! Also, Landen will be ONE in just a few short weeks. June 4th, i just can't believe how fast this year has went. It feels like we just were blessed with him yesterday. Time flies, but we have loved EVERYONE minute of him. I just hope it doesn't go by too fast!

Hugs and kisses!

Monday, May 4, 2009

There are no words . . .

Like i said, there's just no words. . . .