I heard that phrase I don't know how many times yesterday. Although yesterday was the big due date for Landen, he has decided to be a little stinker and not come. He just loves where he is at! I am sooo tired, uncomfortable, and ready for him to get here I'm not sure if I can make it another day! :) Please pray that little Landen makes his arrival soon.
Interesting info:
* As of the official due date, i have gained 38 pounds!
* I am still at work!!!! BLAH
* I can't wait to drink a cherry coke from Jamie's after he comes!
* I have been taking a walk every night for at least an hour to help things progress. (I think that the doctors tell you to do stuff just to help keep your sanity.)
* I have a strong desire to eat junk food! :( such a weakness
* My friend who was only a week ahead of me, has a two week old baby now! So jealous! :)
* Please stop asking me if he has come yet, when I am standing right in front of you and the answer is obvious! (haha)
* Chad told me the other night, "at least if you go in to get induced next week at night, you can go to bed once getting to the hospital for awhile." He has no clue the pain and what is about to happen! Funny Funny!
Well hopefully soon little Landen will decide to arrive! I have a feeling he will be soon! :) Regardless, he will be here in a week. If he doesn't want to come by next Tuesday, I will be induced that night and hopefully have him by Wednesday, June 4th. (one week past due date)
Until then ~ Love and Prayers
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Come on Landen!!!!
At only 4 days away from due date I am trying my hardest to be patient. However, with a mix of nerves and anticipation, its hard! :) This past weekend my brother was able to come home to visit. As there were several prayers that Landen would make his big day while his visit, of course it didn't happen. We were very disappointed, however, trying to remember that God is never early he is always on time (said by our Pastor last week at church). It was a really nice visit though. My parents were also able to come down for the weekend, and my brother brought a friend. So a packed house, but a lot of fun! So now the house is getting clean the pack and play is already up in our bedroom ready to go. So now its the waiting game. I go back to the doctor this afternoon. When I went last week I was at 1 1/2 cm. I hope I have progressed to about 2 cm. My doctor said that she feels I will be close to due date but doesn't think I will go over. We shall see! Other than that, little Landen is kicking me harder and I'm getting up to go to the bathroom more often. I am incredible swollen and uncomfortable, tired, and grumpy. However, the thought of having Landen to hold in just a few short days, or even hours, makes it all worth it! Hopefully next time, i will have some pictures of Landen! :) :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Pedicure and 37.4 wks
This past Saturday, my friend Whitney and I went to get a Pedicure. Doctor said that sometimes it can help things progress because there are pressure points in your feet that can help start contractions. Although it didn't work out in my favor, we still had a lot of fun!

How cute! Yeah, funny too! My feet, on the right, they look HUGE compared to Whit's thanks to all the swelling.

How cute! Yeah, funny too! My feet, on the right, they look HUGE compared to Whit's thanks to all the swelling.
Here is a picture of me at 37.4 weeks. Almost there! As you can see, Landen has dropped and is ready to come! :)
As today is Mothers Day, I get more excited about Landens arrival. As I feel I am already a mother to him, to have him to hold will be even more exciting knowing he is here with me!
Happy Mothers day to my mom, nannie, and grandma! I love you all so much! And happy mothers day to Shelia and grandma Etherington. Thanks for all the love and support all of you have given us. Mom's are the Best!!!!!!!!!!! :) LOVE YOU
37 Wk check up!
We are now officially at full term. When I went in for my appointment the doctor is still concerned about how small he is. She went ahead and had me do another ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. Since he is bigger, the pictures didn't turn out very good, but you can see his face pretty good. He is looking directly at you. It looks like he has chubby little cheeks. :) How cute. But the doctor said that he is only about 5 1/2 pounds, give or take a little. So he is really small and his measurements are small as well. Sometimes towards the end of a pregnancy the baby will not grow anymore because there isn't enough room, which could be his case. The doctor will know what is going on when I go in next week. Sometimes they have to take the baby early if there isn't enough room to grow. We shall see. As of Friday, May 9th, I am 1cm dilated and my doctor started to strip the membrane to make things move along. So we shall see when he decides to arrive! :) We are really hopeful that he will come a week early so my brother will get to see him!

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