So much has happened since my last update. Landen is growing and forming such a fun personality. He is just too fun. On August 3rd Landen was dedicated at church. I am so thankful that some of my family from Michigan was able to come down and meet him. And thank-you Uncle Erik for letting me borrow your outfit. Landen was so cute that day. I will have to post pictures as soon as I get some (in all the excitement I didn't take any pictures!) It sure was a nice weekend with family. This past week we also took an adventure to the zoo. Although Landen had no idea what was going on it was a lot of fun. We got to see the Koala bears (sooo cute). We had fun! At Landen's 2 month check up he got a good report. He is growing strong and is over 10 pounds. Can't believe it. He also had to get his shots. IT WAS AWFUL! Chad holding him down and I was in the hallway crying right with Landen. He was such a little trooper! He has gotten such a personality. He has been laughing, talking, and smiling so much and has been so much fun. It's amazing how he has changed from week to week. He still LOVES to be held. Such a little snuggle bug. AND. . . big news. . . . for three nights now he has slept all night! So lets just hope that continues. Here are some more recent pictures. I will try to keep this updated more often, sorry for the delay. But I just can't keep my hands off of Landen, he is just so cute.
Daddy and Landen with the Koala bear. Landen was so confused! haha

mommy and landen with the giraffe

Just taking it all in!

What a stud! Thank-you cousin Zachary for the shades!

Although its hard to see, Landen's eyes have gotten really light blue and his hair has lightened up.

Love it!

As chad is back at school I am officially a stay at home mom! I love it! I think Landen does too! I start back with my classes for my masters program next Saturday. Other than that I am able to spend and focus as much time on Landen. Until Later~ hugs and kisses