I can't believe it's been almost a month since the last post. Busy, busy. Well anyways, Landen is great! He continues to surprise me daily. After we started cereal at 4 months he loved it. So a few days ago we tried green beans. I am truly blessed. We have a GREAT eatter (takes after daddy). Three days on green beans and he loves them. I just hope his eatting habits continue. As it has gotten colder out, we have taken fewer walks. :( So we are getting a littel stir crazy already! :) But Landen continues to amaze me. He is almost crawling. Just today he was up on all 4's moving his legs and trying to move his arms. He made it one step. So proud, but yet isn't he just little to young to be crawling? Haha, growing up too fast!!! I only have 3 more classes for this semester, which means I am bout half way done with my Masters program! Still seems soooo far away! BLAH! Chad is doing good. Hunting season has started so thats all i hear. It's one of those topics you just nod your head and continue to say yes, when he talks. :) We are super excited because Chad's sister, Brooke, has moved back to Indiana. So lots of Aunt B time. :) Maybe we can get my brother back this way after he graduates in May. :) Anyways, here are the pictures. Hold on, becuase there are lots!