It's that time of year for apples . . .

and hunting . . .

So many things have been going on lately. Of course the busy new school year has started off crazy. I'm taking 3 classes for my Masters so that I am completly done with classes this semester. Whoo Hoo. Graduation is next may. So excited. Anyways, Chad has been busy as well with golf. Thankfully it is finally over until the spring when boys start up. Although Landen has started to throw some pretty crazy fits he is still such a sweet little boy. We continue to go in monthly for weight cks and he is offically enrolled in first steps because he is so behind in weight and growth. However, he is way ahead of track on his development. We have decided to switch doctors and no longer to go Riley. We have been extremly disapointed in their services and will soon start going to Payton Manning Childrens hospital.
Here are some pics . . .
Our happy but independent little guy!

Still trying to figure out that spoon.

Landen's hair is starting to get longer. It's getting where it can be spiked. :) So cute!

Landen offically has 8 teeth! We have been a teething monster during the past month!

A couple weeks ago we went down to my brother and sister n law that live in TN. Here's the view right outside of their backyard. Yes within about 30 feet 2 turkeys adn one deer. We saw about 4 deer just that morning. And actually, opening day of deer season down there, my brother shot one off of he deck! A hunters dream!

Chad, me, my brother, and Leah down in Nashville having a crazy time!

Ill try to update more often. With full time classes, working, and little Landen, we stay pretty busy! Hope everyone is enjoying the changing of seasons. I can honestly say, I'M NOT!!! BLAH TO COLD WEATHER!!!!!
God Bless!