Friday, January 18, 2008

20 Wk check up

We went for our 20 week check up last Friday. My parents were able to come up and go with me and see an ultrasound for the first time. It was a good check up. Doctor reports things are moving along good. She said that he is 11 oz, which is a little small but he is growing. When doing the ultrasound our baby did a couple flips. He is VERY active. It is such an amazing feeling when that little foot hits. My dad was so funny. He just couldn't figure out where the baby was. Here are some pictures from the visit:

Look at that sad face! :(

When my dad saw this one he said, "it looks like an alien." haha

His little leg and foot!

Waving hi again! :)

This past week has been pretty hard. I talked with my boss again about going down to part time after the baby comes. She told me that they will not be able to becuase they need a full time person for my job. With going to school and having to work full time, I would never be at home. Please pray that something will work out so that I can stay home more.

On a good note. The name is offical. ~Landen Mitchell Taflinger~ We love it. Chad is going to take a daddy prep class this coming tuesday. And we start our birthing classes next month. I know time will fly by, but it just seems so far away still! Can't wait! More updates soon!

Chad, Angela, Buster, Sky, and baby Landen :)

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