So much to update! Sorry for the delay. Why would I want to spend silly time on this computer when I have such a cute little guy to hold and play with. It has continued to be so much fun. Chad and I both love being parents and are enjoying every second of it. Today Landen is 6 wks and 2 days. We can't believe it. He is still such a cute little man even though he is growing so much. We went to the doctor last week and he is already over 9 pounds. The doctor was pretty impressed. Landen has been doing really good, other than a few bad nights here and there. He eats pretty much every 4 hours, plays, has lots of tummy time, and sleeps. Landen is such a little snuggle bug. He LOVES to be held and snuggled (which makes it hard sometimes). We have discovered that he also loves taking walks so we have decided to make it a family nightly routine! Just this past week he has been smiling alot and "talking" too us. It is just too fun! Here are some pictures.
Landen with his Great Peepaw. I think this picture is so sweet! Peepaw is a natural! :)

Mommy and Landen!
Landen in his first camo outfit. He can't wait to go out with his uncle Erik someday!

Look at that smile! Sorry about the spit up though! :)

Landen has been rolling over since week 3. We couldn't believe it. Here we go.

Yeah, for Landen!
Bad News: We have discovered that our camera is broke. We bought it brand new, however for some reason he is not working now. As of what we have been told we have lost everything (his birth, smiles, laughs, rolling over, fun here and theres). I've been pretty upset. So if anyone knows of anyone that could maybe take a look please let us know.
Good News: Chad and I have officially decided for me to stay home and not work. We will be going down to one car and making cuts in other areas as well. However, i will continue to go to school on Saturdays while chad watches Landen. I hope that we have made the right choice. Please pray that we will be financially ok.
If you are going to be in town on August 3rd, Landen is going to be dedicated that Sunday at church. Thanks for all your love and support! We love you all!
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