This is a song we have been singing lately because Landen's test results came back in. Quoting the doctor, "your son is normal." haha :) So, Chad and I have been feeling much better because we know that out little guy is just a little guy with strange poop! :) Things have been good. Chad is done with golf which is really nice because my classwork has increased. Landen has been eatting eatting. He just loves his cereal now. We haven't started in on other foods yet. I want to wait another week or so. I have continued to be on the dairy free diet. Landen has been doing better since this diet so i think his tummy just has had a hard time with dairy. The doctor said by around 6 months they are better able to digest food. Thats why we are holding off a little starting more food. But anyways, Landen continues to surprise me. He is rolling all over the place and is trying to crawl already. His little butt gets so high up in the air. Its so cute. Finally here are some pictures.
So happy and ready for Church!
Landen just loves his ducky.

"Watch me mom, i'm trying to figure it out."

Trying so hard! Look at that butt! haha

Nothing else to report! Hope all is well your way. Until later~ hugs and kisses! :)
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