So I finally have a few minutes to put together some pictures of Christmas. We had a very busy last few weeks visiting both sides of the family but it was a lot of fun. We first celebrated Christmas with the Taflinger family. For some reason those pictures wont load from my camera so hopefully soon I will post them. But we had a great time playing games and spending some time with one another. Landen had so much fun with his cousin Caleb and can't wait for his new little cousin to make his arrival. :) The weekend before Christmas my brother and his girlfriend came to out house for a few days (who is now his fiance). We had a lot of fun with them as well. Then we ventured to my parents in Ohio for a week over Christmas. Landen's first Christmas was great. He was so cute. Of course I have posted a ton of pictures. :) It was so nice to also spend Christmas Eve at my grandparents house. My Nannie worked so hard to make it so special. It was great to all be together and spend time with the cousins. Over New Years we went back to the Taflingers and spent more time playing games and relaxing. What a busy yet fun time of year. I start back with classes this coming week. BLAH! So things will once again pick up! It has been nice being back in our little home and back to a routine, however, we can't wait to see family again very soon! Anyways, here are the pictures, hold on, cause there are lots!
Playing in his new tub that he got from grandma and grandpa taflinger. He LOVES it!

My brother Erik and his fiance, Leah.

Christmas Eve outfit we bought with great grandma Mitchell's money! Thank-you grandma! Don't I look handsome! (Hopefully we will see the Mitchell side of family soon)!!!

Landen with Peepaw!

Christmas morning! So excited about the presents!

There are no words!

One of his presents from nana and papaw!

Riding on his new car (his favorite gift, also from nana and papaw).

Family Christmas picture!

So tired after such a long few weeks. At the taflingers house after new years. (look at those feet, so sweet)

Here is a video we just took the other night of landen playing. He is just so sweet. Landen is all over the place moving around. He is a pro at crawling and at 6 months started to stand. He is sooo strong. I bet he walks by 9 months. :) He sure keeps me busy but i wouldn't change it!