Finally I am able to post. I've tried a few times and it wont let me. Things are going good. As I figured things are becoming a little more busy. Chad started golf, I started watching a little 7 week old girl, and my classes are getting more demanding. We have decided that I will start going to school full time starting this summer so that I can graduate by next may. I'm glad, but it is going to be one busy year! Thankful that there is light at the end of the tunnel! We took Landen in for his 9 month well check. He looks great other being extremly little. He is in the 1st % for his weight for his age. They are checking his weight again next friday and unless he has gained a lot of weight they are sending us down to Riley to get some test done. He eats pretty good he is just so active. I mean he has been crawling since he was 5 months. Poor little guy wants to walk but his little feet are just to small! :) I bet he will soon though! He wants with help but can't get it by himself. But other than that he is great. Like I said, very very active, keeps me on my toes. He is great!
Since we are trying to save money we decided to take some 9 month pictures at home. So yeah, they didn't turn out great! And yes, its a quilt in the background, we didn't have any white sheets! :)

Riding his horse!

So when I say active this is what I mean. This is where the bread maker usually is, but i was making bread and he was just way to excited!

This past week Landen has been sick. At this point he didn't want his bottle rolled off of me and ended up like this. I rubbed his back for like 2 minutes and he was out. After a doctors visit and some meds he is back to himself!

Hopefully I will be able to post again soon! I will let everyone know what he weight looks like next week! Enjoy this wonderful weather! (well today is pretty cold) :)
Hugs and kisses :)
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