(me, melissia, and tia) The ladies who gave the shower for me! :)

Me and Tia! Tia is 8 days ahead of me with her second child. She is also having a boy. They are going to be great church bubbies!

Gifts! :)

Cupcake Cake! So cute! :)

This past monday we also went to our breastfeeding class. It was very informative. We feel like we are ready to go now. Update on baby: Landen should be close to about 5 pounds. He kicks constantly and keeps me up all night. Its so weird of how many times I have to go to the bathroom. I have also started to have braxton hicks (light contractions preparing for labor.) Landen's room is coming together. Right now there is stuff all over the place (pictures to come.) This wkend we plan to pack our bags so we are ready for his arrival without any stress. I am just having such a hard time figuring out what clothes I want to take for him to wear. I have it narrowed down to about 10! :) Tomorrow (friday) we have another doctors appointment. And from here on we are going every week! This weekend we are also having a shower thrown by the Taflingers! We can't wait to go spend the day with them and Landen's cousin Caleb! Love you all! WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
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