Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ok, pictures first.

Aunt B let Landen come swim with her at her work. He had so much fun!

Chad has started to take Landen to Lowe's on Saturdays for the children's workshop. Although Landen is just a little younger than most, he sure tried to take over and pretend he knew what was going on!
Nothing goes by him, honestly, i think that he thinks he is older that he really is.

Ok, so I realize I said I would update this after my doctor last week. But here is what the doctor said. The baby is laying really low on sciatic nerve (spelling), which is the result of a lot of my cramping and back pain. However, she is not worried, just wants me to put my feet up at night and really start taking it a little more easy! Yeah Right! :)

Baby looks great. Another ultra sound confirmed yes indeed Landen will have a little sister. And of course I have already ventured into a few stores and sales to look at pink! :)

As of last week I have gained a bout 14 pounds. Much different than with Landen. I think I was already up to 20 by now and I was already swelling. Cross our fingers that doesn't happen again! Anyways, names we have it narrowed down. Please let us know what you think of how to spell. Although this is not a for sure not, we are pretty sure:


And just in case this baby is a boy, we have that name as well, but we wont give that away until baby would get here! :)
We are almost paci free. Here is one last shot! Also, for the past week Landen has been asking "I potty" so we went ahead and started to put him on the potty, except he will NOT sit. He tells us no and says stand. So we are teaching him to stand. He is such a small little guy, he just looks so cute standing to go potty. But anyways, he does try everytime and he pushes so hard, most of the time at least a little comes out and he gets super excited. But, he is only 21 months so we aren't pushing it too much. Such a big boy!

Here are some videos. First one is of landen at the pool.
This is Landen tonight dancing before bedtime. He just cracks me up sometimes. I dont know why! :)

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