Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yes we are still here!

Yes, I know, it has been forever. With my praticum I feel sooo tired all the time and I am simply too lazy to keep this thing up. However, graduation information is out and therefore the count down has begun. I can not believe the changes we have had in 3 years since starting my Masters. Started a new job, started the Masters program, found out I was preggo, had Landen, quit my job, worked at a daycare part-time, worked 25 hours a week for 16 weeks for my first praticum, found out I was preggo again, and now working 40 hours a week (for free once again) with my finally placement, all while taking a full load of clases. It has been a challange, however, would not change anything. I am proud of myself and thankful for the patience and support of my family!

Here are some pictures. Baby #2 update: I am currently about 22/21 weeks. They aren't sure, I am measuring small once again so they are pushing my due date back! So we will see. I have a ton of ultra sounds pictures, however, we have unpluged the scanner. Baby looks great! So the big news . . . . they said at 13/14 weeks they thought baby was a boy . . . however . . . at 18/19 they said . . . girl! So basically I am confused and not sure what to think! Of course happy with whatever we just want a healthy baby, but it would be nice to have one of each.

Here is my 20/21 week belly picture. I am feeling pretty good. Like I said, just super tired and lots of back pain. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so we should find out more!

Silly Landen! Look at those blues!

Mommy with Landen. Yes, he can look sweet, however, his new favorite word is NOOO. Yes, he says it all the time. He is becoming more of a stinker, but both Chad and I can't help but laugh at the way he acts. Although it is a pain, it is also such joy to see his little independent attitude.

He looks so innocent!

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