We love and miss you Papaw!!! Feel better really soon so we can see you!!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Feel Better Papaw!
Hi Papaw!!! We just wanted to let you know how much we love you and hope you start to feel better soon!

We love and miss you Papaw!!! Feel better really soon so we can see you!!!!
We love and miss you Papaw!!! Feel better really soon so we can see you!!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Who does she look like?
Friday, July 30, 2010
2 weeks
I can not believe it has been 2 weeks since our little Addalee arrived. Alot has happened. Quick update, sorry no pictures, but wanted to update everyone on our crazy first two weeks.
On Addalee's one week birthday I was in a lot of discomfort and pain. Called my doctor, they put me on meds cuz I had a fever and the pain had increased.
At around midnight Thursday/Friday morning, I was in so much pain I could not stand up. We went to the hospital at around 1am on Friday, after a catscan and a bunch of test, at 7:30 it was discovered that I needed my appendix out! By friday evening I had surgery and was once again staying another night at the hopsital. My surgery went fine, but with dealing wit just having a baby, having surgery, trying to breast feed, a 2 year old that was extremly confused with everything that was going on, I seriously thought I was going nuts. I am just now starting to feel better. I am thankful that my pain was not the cause of anything serious, but how crazy was this past 2 weeks.
Chad officially started golf today. I am still trying to heal and a little nervous about adjusted to taking care of a newborn, landen, and myself after the surgery. Prayers please!
picture update soon.
On Addalee's one week birthday I was in a lot of discomfort and pain. Called my doctor, they put me on meds cuz I had a fever and the pain had increased.
At around midnight Thursday/Friday morning, I was in so much pain I could not stand up. We went to the hospital at around 1am on Friday, after a catscan and a bunch of test, at 7:30 it was discovered that I needed my appendix out! By friday evening I had surgery and was once again staying another night at the hopsital. My surgery went fine, but with dealing wit just having a baby, having surgery, trying to breast feed, a 2 year old that was extremly confused with everything that was going on, I seriously thought I was going nuts. I am just now starting to feel better. I am thankful that my pain was not the cause of anything serious, but how crazy was this past 2 weeks.
Chad officially started golf today. I am still trying to heal and a little nervous about adjusted to taking care of a newborn, landen, and myself after the surgery. Prayers please!
picture update soon.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Welcome Addalee
Here are a few pictures of our little Addalee Nicole. She was born July 15th at 3:55am. She was 6 lbs and 19.5 inches long. Everyone is doing well!
more 2 come
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Quick update
No pictures, even though we have a ton to post, however, lack of internet at home doesn't allow the time to do that.
Addalee is still very content where she is. I will be induced on Wednesday evening, July 14th, if she isn't here before that. I keep thinking that it could happen any day. The past 2 days I have been more uncomfortable and having more contractions, but nothing regular. Time will tell!
Maybe if I have time I can go post pictures later. If not, next post will be from the hopsital!
:) Soon :)
Addalee is still very content where she is. I will be induced on Wednesday evening, July 14th, if she isn't here before that. I keep thinking that it could happen any day. The past 2 days I have been more uncomfortable and having more contractions, but nothing regular. Time will tell!
Maybe if I have time I can go post pictures later. If not, next post will be from the hopsital!
:) Soon :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A month has past and a quick update!
Ok, finally I know. Chad and I decided to get rid of our internet to save some money. So basically I only get internet when I am able to make a trip to the library. Here are a few pics to update.
Picture of me on graduation day! I have my Masters in Social Work!!! :)

Here is me with baby Addalee at 33 weeks. Iam actually now about 34 1/2 weeks. Addalee is doing great! She moves all the time. I have had several infections as well as contractions for the past month. Mydoctor is concerned because often is the body does not fightthe infections it can put you into pre-term labor. I do not feel sick or anything, actually really good. I have not swelled like Idid with Landen and I have continued to feel more rested and relaxed. Maybe being done with school has helped as well. Addalee is measuring small just as Landen. I think we will be seeing her before the expected due date! :)

Now that we are expecting Addalee soon, the walls have gotten painted, pink is now all over the nursery, we thought it was time to adjust Landen to his new room! Here he is on his first night! Yeah, I know, you can't rally see him. Of course he is on the bottom bunk, but he is just SOOO little. His big boy room is horse theme. It is really cute need to take pictures to share! He is doing better than I thought! He actually is really excited about his new bed and has not asked us to sleep in the crib! WHOOHOO! Hopefully potty training will be this easy! Speaking of, we aren't pushing it. He goes at least in the morning and at night, but with a new baby we know he might regress so we are waiting till he is closer to 2 1/2 to really push him. But he might do better than we think!

Other than that things are great. We can't wait till Addalee is here! :) :) I'm not sure about jobs after she arrives. There is not much close which puts me in the position of maybe driving a good 45 minutes to find something. Which, would only give me a short time daily with my babies!
Leave it up to God. Some doors have opened in which I am exploring, so we will see!
Not sure when the next post will be. Hope everyone is enjoying wonderful summer! :)
Picture of me on graduation day! I have my Masters in Social Work!!! :)
Here is me with baby Addalee at 33 weeks. Iam actually now about 34 1/2 weeks. Addalee is doing great! She moves all the time. I have had several infections as well as contractions for the past month. Mydoctor is concerned because often is the body does not fightthe infections it can put you into pre-term labor. I do not feel sick or anything, actually really good. I have not swelled like Idid with Landen and I have continued to feel more rested and relaxed. Maybe being done with school has helped as well. Addalee is measuring small just as Landen. I think we will be seeing her before the expected due date! :)
Landen is 2!!!! Here is the birthday boy with his tractor cake. He LOVES tractors! And just wait till you see his 2 year picures. :)
His favorite gift!
Second favorite gift that we got for 5 dollars! What a deal!!! :)
Now that we are expecting Addalee soon, the walls have gotten painted, pink is now all over the nursery, we thought it was time to adjust Landen to his new room! Here he is on his first night! Yeah, I know, you can't rally see him. Of course he is on the bottom bunk, but he is just SOOO little. His big boy room is horse theme. It is really cute need to take pictures to share! He is doing better than I thought! He actually is really excited about his new bed and has not asked us to sleep in the crib! WHOOHOO! Hopefully potty training will be this easy! Speaking of, we aren't pushing it. He goes at least in the morning and at night, but with a new baby we know he might regress so we are waiting till he is closer to 2 1/2 to really push him. But he might do better than we think!
Other than that things are great. We can't wait till Addalee is here! :) :) I'm not sure about jobs after she arrives. There is not much close which puts me in the position of maybe driving a good 45 minutes to find something. Which, would only give me a short time daily with my babies!
Leave it up to God. Some doors have opened in which I am exploring, so we will see!
Not sure when the next post will be. Hope everyone is enjoying wonderful summer! :)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Belly Bump!
Just wanted to give everyone an updated belly shot. It is so funny because with this little girl I seriously only have a belly bump. Although the belly is pretty big already, I'm hoping the uncomfortable swelling does not occur as it did with Landen (in which, if you look back at pictures from my pregancy with Landen I was already round ALL over). I have only gained about 20 pounds, which is like 10 pounds less than Landen. I am currently 29/30 weeks! Unreal how fast it has gone. We are set on the name and spelling. After a lot of back and forth on the spelling it will be:
Addalee Nicole Taflinger

A few weeks ago my mom, Landen, and myself went to Kings Island (per her company day). We had a great time. Landen was so funny with the rides.
He LOVED the smurf icecream (also my favorate).

Addalee Nicole Taflinger
A few weeks ago my mom, Landen, and myself went to Kings Island (per her company day). We had a great time. Landen was so funny with the rides.
He LOVED the smurf icecream (also my favorate).
Landen was soooo excited to see the choo choo train! However, a little nervous when they blew the whistle when we were right beside it.

Landen is so funny. He recently was sick so he had lots of movie time. So now he is all about laying in front of the TV to watch cartoons!

Things are going really well. Although we have not tackled the potty too much Landen always goes at night time. He gets so excited! I can not believe he will be 2 in just one month! Unreal.
Things are going really well. Although we have not tackled the potty too much Landen always goes at night time. He gets so excited! I can not believe he will be 2 in just one month! Unreal.
I graduate this coming Sunday. Finally after 3 years, almost 2 babies, I will have my MSW. I hope to get my License soon but all will tell with this baby. We are not sure about what I will be doing as far as working or staying at home for awhile. It will all depend on what jobs are open (which not much is out there right now that would be worth it).
Hope all is well. Graduation pics to come!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Easter Pics
A little late of course. :) Our little man ready for the Easter Egg Hunt. One of the local church had an Easter Celebration. Landen had so much fun.

Landen with his buddy Ryder showing off their gold! (my friend Summers nephew)
Best picture with the Easter Bunny! Landen loved him from afar, not so much up close.

Landen with his buddy Ryder showing off their gold! (my friend Summers nephew)
Best picture with the Easter Bunny! Landen loved him from afar, not so much up close.
Family picture at church! And yes, Landen wanted to wear his cowboy boots and then proceeded to make sure I had mine on as well! Uncle Erik and Aunt Leah would be proud!
We had a very fun filled Easter Weekend. Some of Chad's family came over to our house for dinner which was really nice. Landen loves to play with his cousins!
Baby sister is doing great! I have an appointment tomorrow so maybe an update. I am 25/26 weeks. It is going pretty fast! Chad was on spring break last week and we started to change around the nursery to look a little more girly. Chad painted 2 walls pink which changes it alot. Landen hasn't moved out of there yet as I am not sure he is ready for the big boy bed. He will be within the next 2 months though! We are excited for a little girl! :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ok, pictures first.
Aunt B let Landen come swim with her at her work. He had so much fun!

Chad has started to take Landen to Lowe's on Saturdays for the children's workshop. Although Landen is just a little younger than most, he sure tried to take over and pretend he knew what was going on! 
Aunt B let Landen come swim with her at her work. He had so much fun!
Chad has started to take Landen to Lowe's on Saturdays for the children's workshop. Although Landen is just a little younger than most, he sure tried to take over and pretend he knew what was going on!
Nothing goes by him, honestly, i think that he thinks he is older that he really is.
Ok, so I realize I said I would update this after my doctor last week. But here is what the doctor said. The baby is laying really low on sciatic nerve (spelling), which is the result of a lot of my cramping and back pain. However, she is not worried, just wants me to put my feet up at night and really start taking it a little more easy! Yeah Right! :)
Baby looks great. Another ultra sound confirmed yes indeed Landen will have a little sister. And of course I have already ventured into a few stores and sales to look at pink! :)
As of last week I have gained a bout 14 pounds. Much different than with Landen. I think I was already up to 20 by now and I was already swelling. Cross our fingers that doesn't happen again! Anyways, names we have it narrowed down. Please let us know what you think of how to spell. Although this is not a for sure not, we are pretty sure:
And just in case this baby is a boy, we have that name as well, but we wont give that away until baby would get here! :)
We are almost paci free. Here is one last shot! Also, for the past week Landen has been asking "I potty" so we went ahead and started to put him on the potty, except he will NOT sit. He tells us no and says stand. So we are teaching him to stand. He is such a small little guy, he just looks so cute standing to go potty. But anyways, he does try everytime and he pushes so hard, most of the time at least a little comes out and he gets super excited. But, he is only 21 months so we aren't pushing it too much. Such a big boy!
Here are some videos. First one is of landen at the pool.
This is Landen tonight dancing before bedtime. He just cracks me up sometimes. I dont know why! :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Yes we are still here!
Yes, I know, it has been forever. With my praticum I feel sooo tired all the time and I am simply too lazy to keep this thing up. However, graduation information is out and therefore the count down has begun. I can not believe the changes we have had in 3 years since starting my Masters. Started a new job, started the Masters program, found out I was preggo, had Landen, quit my job, worked at a daycare part-time, worked 25 hours a week for 16 weeks for my first praticum, found out I was preggo again, and now working 40 hours a week (for free once again) with my finally placement, all while taking a full load of clases. It has been a challange, however, would not change anything. I am proud of myself and thankful for the patience and support of my family!
Here are some pictures. Baby #2 update: I am currently about 22/21 weeks. They aren't sure, I am measuring small once again so they are pushing my due date back! So we will see. I have a ton of ultra sounds pictures, however, we have unpluged the scanner. Baby looks great! So the big news . . . . they said at 13/14 weeks they thought baby was a boy . . . however . . . at 18/19 they said . . . girl! So basically I am confused and not sure what to think! Of course happy with whatever we just want a healthy baby, but it would be nice to have one of each.
Here is my 20/21 week belly picture. I am feeling pretty good. Like I said, just super tired and lots of back pain. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so we should find out more!

Silly Landen! Look at those blues!

Mommy with Landen. Yes, he can look sweet, however, his new favorite word is NOOO. Yes, he says it all the time. He is becoming more of a stinker, but both Chad and I can't help but laugh at the way he acts. Although it is a pain, it is also such joy to see his little independent attitude.

He looks so innocent!
Here are some pictures. Baby #2 update: I am currently about 22/21 weeks. They aren't sure, I am measuring small once again so they are pushing my due date back! So we will see. I have a ton of ultra sounds pictures, however, we have unpluged the scanner. Baby looks great! So the big news . . . . they said at 13/14 weeks they thought baby was a boy . . . however . . . at 18/19 they said . . . girl! So basically I am confused and not sure what to think! Of course happy with whatever we just want a healthy baby, but it would be nice to have one of each.
Here is my 20/21 week belly picture. I am feeling pretty good. Like I said, just super tired and lots of back pain. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so we should find out more!
Silly Landen! Look at those blues!
Mommy with Landen. Yes, he can look sweet, however, his new favorite word is NOOO. Yes, he says it all the time. He is becoming more of a stinker, but both Chad and I can't help but laugh at the way he acts. Although it is a pain, it is also such joy to see his little independent attitude.
He looks so innocent!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
15 wk!!!
I am 15 1/2 weeks along. I can't believe I am starting to show so soon! Things are going good. I started my praticum a few weeks ago. It has been a BIG adjustment for everyone, but we are starting to get more used to it. Landen has been sooo tired since changing around his sleep times. He went to bed the other night at 6:30pm slept straight through until 6:00 the next morning, his teacher at daycare said he fell asleep during lunch, and then he took a 2 hour nap! Last night he slept 11 1/2 hours, took a 30 minute nap this morning, and then a 3 hour nap this afternoon! He is sooooo funny! He has begun to really talk. He knows a ton of words and says them daily, and I can actually understand what he is saying, which is so fun! He has such a cute little voice.
Anyways, here is my 15 week belly picture!

A few pics of baby! They said that baby is right where baby should be as far as weight. Landen was always behind!
Anyways, here is my 15 week belly picture!
A few pics of baby! They said that baby is right where baby should be as far as weight. Landen was always behind!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What a month!!!
This past few weeks has been extremly interesting. Here's the breakdown. . .
1. Found out landen had a double ear infection
2. Put on meds
3. Within a week, Landen was rushed to the hospital twice, because he had such a horrible reaction to the meds. His poor little body looked broken. Literally, he was red to the point where it looked like a third degree burn, his joints were all swelled so bad that he could hardly move or walk, then because the swelling his whole body was bruised. It looked like we threw him against the wall a thousand times.
4. After all the family drove in the middle of the night and met us at the hospital (it was already our second visit) the doctors put in on a steroid. Poor guy was at times in so much pain all he could do is lay on someone's chest, and mind you he didn't want to be touched at the same time. He ate/drank hardly anything for two days straight.
5. Then the effects of the steroid kicked in an we then moved into having a wild child who was still in pain.
6. Two days after the hospital visits, we left for our long two week "vacation" for Christmas and New Years. This was an adventure in itself, with a sick, yet crazy kid because of the meds.
So now, we are back in our house, getting a little more sleep! Thankgoodness he feels better now!
So now, we are back in our house, getting a little more sleep! Thankgoodness he feels better now!
Here are some pictures of the event. I was too tired to take pictures when things got really bad. For some reason all of the pictures are of his legs. His little face was so sad. His eyes were all red and puffy, his ears looked like dumbo. :(
Like I said, these pictures only show a little bit of what happened! It was crazy. In the mean time we went for an ultrasound of baby #2. Although this pic was taken at 10 weeks, I am currently 13 weeks! :)
A few other pics. Landen LOVES the snow!
Too many Christmas pics to post so a few of the aftermath. Landen with his new Elmo backpack for school! :)
Landen loves to help mommy cook. He LOVED his kitchen from Santa!
After Chirstmas we went down to Nashville where my brother lives. We had a great time. Can't wait to go back.
Mitchell family picture
Things are going good now. I start my praticum next monday full time. I do not look forward to putting landen in a daycare full time, and on top of that, i'm getting paid nothing!!! I am starting to get more excited about baby #2. I hope to take a prego picture soon to post. Yes, I am already starting to show! Unreal! With Landen I didn't start to show until around 21 weeks.
Until later ~~ Hugs!
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